Students Hostel

The German University Bangladesh provides Excellent Hostel Facilities. It has a six storied building, 15 minutes walking distance from the GUB campus. The hostel is capable to accommodate a good number of students. There are separate hostel facilities for both male and female students. Hostel rooms are comfortably furnished and make for a good home away from home.

Students Hostel

The German University Bangladesh provides Excellent Hostel Facilities. It has a six storied building, 15 minutes walking distance from GUB campus. The hostel is capable to accommodate a good number of students. There are separate hostel facilities for both male and female students. Hostel rooms are comfortably-furnished and make for a good home away from home.

Info Service for Students

German University Bangladesh

38 T & T Road,Telepara,Chandna Chowrasta,Joydebpur,Gazipur - 1702. Bangladesh
+88 02-224495059
+88 0176-7600282
[email protected]

Admission Office

German University Bangladesh

University Building, 38 Telepara T & T Road, Chandana Chowrasta Gazipur Sadar - 1702.Bangladesh
+88 02-9294511
+88 0176-7600282
[email protected]

Permanent Campus

German University Bangladesh

University Street Guptabrindaban, Sagordighi, Ghatail, Tangail.
+88 02-224495059
[email protected]